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Thesis Project Form

Title (tentative): Sensorimotor plasticity in the neurotypical and stroke populations: new methods and techniques

Thesis advisor(s): Martinoia Sergio, Alessandro Farne (INSERM, Lyon) E-mail:
Address: Phone: (+39) 010 33 52980

Motivation and application domain
The thesis is within an ERASMUS+ student traineeship program at INSERM, University of Lyon, CRNL Lyon neuroscience research Centre, ImpACt team

General objectives and main activities
The general objective is to develop new mtehods and techniques to promote neuroplasticity after a stroke. This will be pursue thourgh RSS (Repetitive somatosensory Stimulation, Somatosensory assessment tools, two-point discrimination tasks sets, RASP test battery, Proprioception assessment battery.

Training Objectives (technical/analytical tools, experimental methodologies)
Experimental procedures with human subjects, data analysis

Place(s) where the thesis work will be carried out: INSERM Lyon

Additional information

Maximum number of students: 1

Financial support/scholarship: Erasmus+