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Thesis Project Form

Title (tentative): Analysis of altered sleep patterns in patients with focal cortical dysplasia

Thesis advisor(s): Arnulfo Gabriele E-mail:
Address: Via All'Opera Pia, 13 - 16145 Genova Phone:

Motivation and application domain
Taylor dysplasia or type-II focal cortical dysplasia is a particular cortical malformation that leads to sleep seizures in humans. Epileptic patients with Type 2 FCD are drug-resistant - i.e. seizures cannot be controlled using existing pharmacological compounds. Studying inter-ictal spontaneous brain activity, we hypothesize that neuronal communication is altered in specific circuits - namely the epileptogenic network and this alteration is prominent during bistable sleep stages .

General objectives and main activities
We aim at quantifying the alterations during sleep of neuronal communication within and outside the epileptogenic network. In order to do so, we aim:
1. identifying the oscillatory patterns that are altered in the different brain stages
2. studying how these spatiotemporal patterns are mechanistic linked to seizure onset

Training Objectives (technical/analytical tools, experimental methodologies)
The students will be responsible of data preparation, management, analysis using modern programming languages. They will learn how to conduct a brain network analysis from the data preprocessing up to the statical testing.

Place(s) where the thesis work will be carried out: Aalto - Helsinki

Additional information

Maximum number of students: 2

Financial support/scholarship: Erasmus