A professor (or more professors jointly) may propose a Thesis Project at any time through this portal, by filling and submitting a Offer Form to the Internship and Thesis Committee (ITC).
In the event that the Offer Form provides for the performance of all or part of the activity at a foreign institution, its assignment may be subject to the award of a scholarship (for example, Erasmus +).
The ITC verifies the completeness of the proposal and its consistency with the educational objectives of the degree course. For external thesis proposals, it will also make sure that they are part of a collaboration (already in progress or in the start-up phase) between the external supervisor and the internal supervisor (who will therefore be co-proposers to all intents and purposes) and they take the educational objectives of the degree course into account.
After approval, the Offer Form is published on this portal.
Students interested in one of the proposed Thesis Projects are encouraged to contact the proponent(s) to ask for additional information and to make arrangements.
After no less than 15 days from the moment of publication, if the supervisor and the student (or students, in the case of a thesis in pairs) agree on the Thesis Project, the supervisor will label the Offer Form as assigned.
The reported date of the assignment is the actual start date of the activity agreed between the supervisor and the student.
In the case of Thesis Projects subject to the assignment of a scholarship through a public selection (for example Erasmus + scholarships), the Offer Form will be labeled as assigned at the end of the call, but the actual assignment cannot take place until the results of the announcement will be known.
The signing of the Learning Agreement is subject to the actual assignment of the thesis.